Buy African Transkei Mushrooms
Buy African Transkei Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, African Transkei), aka South African Transkei Mushroom (SAT) is the first and one of the only P. Cubensis strain originating out of the continent of Africa. It is unknown who exactly collected the samples, but our research shows that the samples were collected in January 2002 at the Wild Coast region of South Africa. It is reported that the mushrooms were found growing directly in dung in the shades of a tree.
Terrence McKenna’s “Stoned Ape Theory” refers to magic mushrooms being the evolutionary catalyst for tripling the human brain size in under two million years. Early humans such as Homo Erectus originated from the continent of Africa before traveling and exploring Europe and Asia. African Transkei shrooms may possibly have been one of the mushrooms early Hominids consumed to develop their brains and in turn, evolve into what we know today as Homo Sapiens.
The African Transkei mushroom are well known for their visual effects and moderately high potency. Expect both open-eyed and closed eyes visuals with this strain. With a higher dosage, you can expect mystic experiences and deep thoughts that may allow you to see things from a new perspective.
After 10-30 minutes of consuming African Transkei mushroom, you will feel your mood enhanced with euphoria and excitement. Depending on the dosage you will experience mild to intense visual enhancements. Things may seem like they are breathing, the nature around you will feel more alive and you will find yourself in introspective thought. Music and art will look and feel different and you will have a higher appreciation and you may relate the music or art to yourself on a more personal level. The most common museum dose (0.5-1.5g) and moderate dose (2-3.5g) should provide you with a 3-6 hour trip.
Why Buy African Transkei Mushrooms Online?
Buying African Transkei mushrooms online is the safest and most effective way to get high-quality magic mushrooms at excellent prices. At Psychedelics Connect Dispensary, you can find a wide range of shrooms including Golden Teachers, Blue Meanie, Arenal Volcano, Amazonian Mushrooms, Aztec Gods Mushrooms, Blue Magnolia, and Penis Envy magic mushrooms.

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